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    4199 时间:2017-07-05

    [IF:5.108] Discrepant Dose Responses of Bisphenol A on Oxidative Stress and DNA Methylation in Grass Carp Ovary Cells
    发表期刊:Chemosphere, Feb 2020; 248:126110.
    产品:CW0102 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG,HRP Conjugated

    [IF:14.308] Long-Term Artificial Selection Reveals a Role of TCTP in Autophagy in Mammalian Cells.
    发表期刊:Mol. Biol. Evol., Aug 2014; 31: 2194-2211.
    产品:CW0100 anti-GAPDH antibody,FITC-labeled or Cy3-labeled goat antirabbit IgG

    [IF:13.853] Plasma glutamate–modulated interaction of A2AR and mGluR5 on BMDCs aggravates traumatic brain injury–induced acute lung injury.
    发表期刊:J. Exp. Med., Apr 2013; 210: 839-851.
    产品:FITC- or TRITC二抗

    [IF:6.645] OsARF12, a transcription activator on auxin response gene, regulates root elongation and affects iron accumulation in rice (Oryza sativa).
    发表期刊:New Phytol. 2012 Jan;193(1):109-20.
    产品:CW0110 goat anti-mouse IgG(H&L)-AP conjugated

    [IF:6.193] Heme oxygenase-1 protects human melanocytes from H2O2-induced oxidative stress via the Nrf2-ARE pathway.
    发表期刊:J Invest Dermatol. 2011 Jul;131(7):1420-7.
    产品:CW0114 羊抗兔gG-FITC, CW0216 兔抗羊 IgG-Cy3

    [IF:5.602] Simultaneous and rapid detection of six different mycotoxins using an immunochip.
    发表期刊:Biosens Bioelectron. 2012 Apr 15;34(1):44-50.
    产品:CW0145 羊抗鼠Cy3

    [IF:4.088] Interactome study suggests multiple cellular functions of hepatoma-derived growth factor (HDGF).
    发表期刊:J Proteomics. 2011 Dec 21;75(2):588-602.
    产品:CW0091 抗Flag 兔多抗 CW0103 anti-rabbit IgG-HRP, CW0102 anti-mouse IgG-HRP

    [IF:3.73] Relative quantification of protein-protein interactions using a dual luciferase reporter pull-down assay system.
    发表期刊:PLoS One. 2011;6(10):e26414.
    产品:CW0116 streptavidin-HRP

    [IF:3.829] Three feruloyl esterases in Cellulosilyticum ruminicola H1 act synergistically to hydrolyze esterified polysaccharides.
    发表期刊:Appl Environ Microbiol. 2011 Sep;77(17):6141-7.
    产品:CW0103 goat anti-rat IgG-HRP

    [IF:3.529] Baculovirus induces host cell aggregation via a Rho/Rok-dependent mechanism.
    发表期刊:J. Gen. Virol., Oct 2014; 95: 2310-2320.
    产品:HRP-conjugated anti-rabbit IgG (15000) and anti-mouse IgG (15000)

    [IF:3.425] Molecular cloning and functional analysis of a recombinant ribosome -inactivating protein (alpha-momorcharin) from Momordica charantia.
    发表期刊:Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2012 Jan 20.
    产品:CW0111 goat anti rabbit IgG-AP

    [IF:3.268] Antioxidant and cardioprotective effects of Danshensu (3-(3, 4- dihydroxyphenyl)-2-hydroxy-propanoic acid from Salvia miltiorrhiza) on isoproterenol-induced myocardial hypertrophy in rats.
    发表期刊:Phytomedicine. 2011 Sep 15;18(12):1024-30.
    产品:CW2336 RIPA裂解液, CW0100 抗GAPDH 鼠单抗

    [IF:3.034] Single-walled carbon nanotubes as candidate recombinant subunit vaccine carrier for immunization of grass carp against grass carp reovirus.
    发表期刊:Fish and Shellfish Immunology. 2014, 41(2):279-293.
    产品:CW0808 DH5感受态细胞

    [IF:3.034] Protective immunity of grass carp immunized with DNA vaccine encoding the vp7 gene of grass carp reovirus using carbon nanotubes as a carrier molecule.
    发表期刊:Fish and Shellfish Immunology. 2015, 42(2):325-334.
    产品:CW0808 DH5感受态细胞

    [IF:3.066] Glycogen synthase kinase-3β inhibition induces nuclear factor-κB- mediated apoptosis in pediatric acute lymphocyte leukemia cells.
    发表期刊:J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2010 Nov 26;29:154.
    产品: CW0165 Goat anti Rabbit IgG, DyLight 549-conjugated

    [IF:3.04] Spatial-temporal expression of NDRG2 in rat brain after focal cerebral ischemia and reperfusion.
    发表期刊:Brain Res. 2011 Mar 25;1382:252-8.
    产品:CW0113 Goat anti-mouse IgG-FITC

    [IF:3.014] Anti-diabetic activity and potential mechanism of total flavonoids of Selaginella tamariscina (Beauv.) Spring in rats induced by high fat diet and low dose STZ.
    发表期刊:J Ethnopharmacol. 2011 Sep 1;137(1):662-8.
    产品:CW0103 Goat Anti-rabbit IgG-HRP

    [IF:2.627] Development of a competitive ELISA for the detection of soybean α subunit of β-conglycinin.
    发表期刊:Process Biochemistry. 2012 Feb;47(2):280-7.
    产品:CW0103 goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L)-HRP

    [IF:2.516] Evidence that endogenous hydrogen sulfide exerts an excitatory effect on gastric motility in mice.
    发表期刊:Eur J Pharmacol. 2011 Dec 30;673(1-3):85-95.
    产品:CW0111 goat anti-rabbit IgG-AP

    [IF:2.373] Vesicular Glutamate Transporter-3 Contributes to Visceral Hyperalgesia Induced by Trichinella spiralis Infection in Rats.
    发表期刊:Dig Dis Sci. 2012 Apr;57(4):865-72.
    产品:CW0116 streptavidin-HRP

    [IF:2.343] Development of an ELISA-array for simultaneous detection of five encephalitis viruses.
    发表期刊:Virol J. 2012 Feb 27;9:56.
    产品:CW0116 Streptavidin-HRP

    [IF:2.105] Bolus injection of hypertonic solutions for cerebral edema in rats: challenge of homeostasis of healthy brain.
    发表期刊:Neurosci Lett. 2012 Feb 10;509(1):44-9.
    产品:CW0103 Goat anti-rabbit IgG-HRP

    [IF:1.829] Expression of growth differentiation factor 9 (GDF9), ALK5, and claudin-11 in adult alpaca testis.
    发表期刊:Acta Histochem. 2012 Mar 27.
    产品:CW0103 Goat Anti-Rabbit lgG-HRP

    [IF:1.074] Overexpression of heat shock protein 70 and its relationship to intestine under acute heat stress in broilers: 1. Intestinal structure and digestive function.
    发表期刊:Poult Sci. 2012 Apr;91(4):781-9.
    产品:CW0102 goat anti-mouse IgG-HRP

    [IF: 9.423] Fungal DNA virus infects a mycophagous insect and utilizes it as a transmission vector
    发表期刊:PNAS, Nov 2016; 113: 12803 - 12808.
    产品:Goat anti-mouse IgG/FITC (CWBIO) conjugated to the first monoclonal

    [IF: 4.606] GENOME REPLICATION AND REGULATION OF VIRAL GENE EXPRESSION: Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus Nucleocapsid Protein Interacts with Nsp9 and Cellular DHX9 To Regulate Viral RNA Synthesis
    发表期刊:J. Virol., Jun 2016; 90: 5384 - 5398
    产品:goat anti-rabbit IgG,TRITC-conjugated

    [IF: 2.446] Identification of Ly2 members as antimicrobial peptides from zebrafish Danio rerio
    发表期刊:Biosci. Rep., Jan 2017; 37: BSR20160265.
    产品:CW0102 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG, HRP Conjugated

    [IF: 3.943] Preimplantation maternal stress impairs embryo development by inducing oviductal apoptosis with activation of the Fas system
    发表期刊:Mol. Hum. Reprod., Nov 2016; 22: 778 - 790
    产品:CW0111 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG, AP Conjugated & CW0110 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG, AP Conjugated

    [IF: 4.706] Regulation of glucose metabolism by p62/SQSTM1 through HIF1α
    发表期刊:J. Cell Sci., Feb 2016; 129: 817 - 830.
    产品:CW0145 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG, Cy3 Conjugated & CW0159 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG, Cy3 Conjugated

    [IF: 2.124] Zebrafish phosvitin is an antioxidant with non-cytotoxic activity
    发表期刊:Acta Biochim Biophys Sin, May 2015; 47: 349 - 354.
    产品:CW0125 DAB Kit (20×) & CW0102 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG, HRP Conjugated

    [IF: 2.124] Biological characteristics of embryonic epicardial cells in vitro correlate with embryonic day
    发表期刊:Acta Biochim Biophys Sin, Jan 2017; 49: 14 - 24.
    产品:CW0159 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG, Cy3 Conjugated

    [IF: 2.397] EPR studies of wild type and mutant Dre2 identify essential [2Fe–-2S] and [4Fe–-4S] clusters and their cysteine ligands
    发表期刊:J. Biochem., Jan 2017; 161: 67 - 78.
    产品:CW0103 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG, HRP Conjugated

    [IF: 1.685] Effects of development and delayed feed access on ghrelin expression in neonatal broiler chickens
    发表期刊:Poultry Science, Oct 2016; 95: 2397 - 2404.
    产品:CW0103 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG, HRP Conjugated

    [IF: 4.258] p53 Degradation by a Coronavirus Papain-like Protease Suppresses Type I Interferon Signaling
    发表期刊:J. Biol. Chem., Jan 2015; 290: 3172 - 3182.
    产品:CW0152 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG, TRITC Conjugated & CW0113 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG, FITC Conjugated

    [IF: 8.738] The miR-30 Family Inhibits Pulmonary Vascular Hyperpermeability in the Premetastatic Phase by Direct Targeting of Skp2
    发表期刊:Clin. Cancer Res., Jul 2015; 21: 3071 - 3080.
    产品:CW0102 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG, HRP Conjugated & CW0103 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG, HRP Conjugated

    [IF: 5.299] A unique homodimeric NAD+-linked isocitrate dehydrogenase from the smallest autotrophic eukaryote Ostreococcus tauri
    发表期刊:FASEB J, Jun 2015; 29: 2462 - 2472.
    产品:CW0111 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG, AP Conjugated


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