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      3964 时间:2017-07-25

      [IF:8.808] A deafness-associated tRNAHis mutation alters the mitochondrial function, ROS production and membrane potential.
      发表期刊:Nucleic Acids Res., Jul 2014; 42: 8039-8048.
      产品:CW0049 eECL Western Blot Kit

      [IF:6.18] ProBDNF and its receptors are upregulated in glioma and inhibit the growth of glioma cells in vitro.
      发表期刊:Neuro Oncology, Apr 2013; 10.1093/neuonc/not039.
      产品:CW0049 eECL Western Blot Kit

      [IF:4.651] Contribution of the C-terminal Regions of Promyelocytic Leukemia Protein (PML) Isoforms II and V to PML Nuclear Body Formation.
      发表期刊:J. Biol. Chem. 2012, 287:30729-30742.
      产品:CW0049 eECL Western Blot Kit

      [IF:4.237] Single sevoflurane exposure decreases neuronal nitric oxide synthase levels in the hippocampus of developing rats.
      发表期刊:Br. J. Anaesth.,?Aug 2012; 109: 225-233.
      产品:CW0049 eECL Western Blot Kit

      [IF:3.262] Identification of differentially expressed proteins in fresh and frozen–thawed boar spermatozoa by iTRAQ-coupled 2D LC–MS/MS.
      发表期刊:Reproduction, Mar 2014; 147: 321-330.

      [IF:2.812] Ratio of lysine to methionine alters expression of genes involved in milk protein transcription and translation and mTOR phosphorylation in bovine mammary cells.
      发表期刊:Physiol Genomics, Apr 2014; 46: 268-275.
      产品:CW0125 DAB Kit

      [IF:1.807] Oral immunogenicity of potato-derived antigens to?Mycobacterium tuberculosis?in mice.
      发表期刊:Acta Biochim Biophys Sin,?Oct 2012; 44: 823-830.
      产品:CW0049 eECL Western Blot Kit

      [IF:1.683] Mitochondrial transcription factor A regulated ionizing radiation- induced mitochondrial biogenesis in human lung adenocarcinoma A549 cells.
      发表期刊:J Radiat Res, May 2013; 10.1093/jrr/rrt046.
      产品:CW0049 eECL Western Blot Kit

      [IF:1.544] Manganese supplementation enhances the synthesis of glycosaminoglycan in eggshell membrane: A strategy to improve eggshell quality in laying hens.
      发表期刊:Poultry Science, Feb 2014; 93: 380-388.
      产品:CW0125 DAB Kit

      [IF:5.723] ProBDNF and its receptors are upregulated in glioma and inhibit the growth of glioma cells in vitro.
      发表期刊:Neuro Oncology, Apr 2013; 10.1093/neuonc/not039.
      产品:CW0014 BCA Protein Assay Kit,CW0049 eECL Western Blot Kit

      [IF:5.319] QQ Guo, ZL Zhang, SJ Jiang, et al. Expression of an Avian Influenza Virus (H5N1) Hemagglutinin Gene in Transgenic Lotus corniculatus.
      产品:SDS-PAGE gel kit,PVDF membrane

      [IF:4.773] Contribution of the C-terminal Regions of Promyelocytic Leukemia Protein (PML) Isoforms II and V to PML Nuclear Body Formation.
      发表期刊:J. Biol. Chem. 2012, 287:30729-30742.
      产品:CW0049 eECL Western Blot Kit

      [IF:4.67] He J, Kang L, Wu T, et al. An elaborate regulation of mTOR activity is required for somatic cell reprogramming induced by defined transcription factors.
      发表期刊:Stem Cells Dev. 2012 Apr 3.
      产品:CW0049 chemiluminescent dectection kit

      [IF:4.04] Gu Z, Du Y, Liu Y, et al. Effect of aging on islet beta-cell function and its mechanisms in Wistar rats.
      发表期刊:Age (Dordr). 2011 Sep 7.
      产品:CW0049 chemiluminescent dectection kit

      [IF:3.73] Ding Y, Zou J, Li Z, et al. Study of histopathological and molecular changes of rat kidney under simulated weightlessness and resistance training protective effect.
      发表期刊:PLoS One. 2011;6(5):e20008.
      产品:CW0049 chemiluminescent dectection kit

      [IF:3.633] P Zhang, ST Li, TT Liu, et al. Overexpression of a 10-deacetylbaccatin III-10 β-O-acetyltransferase gene leads to increased taxol yield in cells of Taxus chinensis.
      发表期刊:PLANT CELL, TISSUE AND ORGAN CULTURE. 2010 Dec 7;106(1):63-70.
      产品:CW0125 DAB Kit

      [IF:3.292] Yu X, Jones HD, Ma Y, et al. (E)-β-Farnesene synthase genes affect aphid (Myzus persicae) infestation in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum).
      发表期刊:Funct Integr Genomics. 2012 Mar;12(1):207-13.
      产品:Milk Blocking Buffer

      [IF:3.246] Zou J, Huang XX, Yin GW, et al. Evaluation of Toxoplasma gondii as a live vaccine vector in susceptible and resistant hosts.
      发表期刊:Parasit Vectors. 2011 Aug 28;4:168.
      产品:CW0049 chemiluminescent detection kit (CWBIO, China)

      [IF:3.246] Sun XM, Zou J, A A ES, et al. DNA vaccination with a gene encoding Toxoplasma gondii GRA6 induces partial protection against toxoplasmosis in BALB/c mice. Parasit Vectors.
      发表期刊:Parasit Vectors. 2011 Nov 9;4:213.
      产品:CW0049 chemiluminescent dectection kit

      [IF:2.964] Zhang X, Zhao H, Chen Y, et al. Characterization and biological function analysis of the trim3a gene from zebrafish (Danio rerio).
      发表期刊:Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2012 May;32(5):621-8.
      产品:CW0125 DAB Kit

      [IF:2.935] Lu X, Zhang N, Dong S, et al. Involvement of GPR12 in the induction of neurite outgrowth in PC12 cells.
      发表期刊:Brain Res Bull. 2012 Jan 4;87(1):30-6.
      产品:CW0049 chemiluminescent dectection kit

      [IF:2.781] Wang X, Wu G, Gou L, et al. A novel single-chain-Fv antibody against connective tissue growth factor attenuates bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis in mice.
      发表期刊:Respirology. 2011 Apr;16(3):500-7.
      产品:chemiluminescence reagent (DAB)

      [IF:2.755] Zheng XK, Zhang L, Wang WW, et al. Anti-diabetic activity and potential mechanism of total flavonoids of Selaginella tamariscina (Beauv.) Spring in rats induced by high fat diet and low dose STZ.
      发表期刊:J Ethnopharmacol. 2011 Sep 1;137(1):662-8.
      产品:CW0049 eECL western kit, CW0015 improved lowry protein assay kit

      [IF:2.522] Wu G, Wang S, Wang X, et al. Determination of a new antibacterial peptide S-thanatin in rat plasma by an indirected-ELISA.
      发表期刊:Peptides. 2011 Jul;32(7):1484-7.
      产品:chemiluminescence reagent (DAB)

      [IF:2.428] Liu M, Sun Y, Liu Y, et al. Modulation of the differentiation of dental pulp stem cells by different concentrations of β-glycerophosphate.
      发表期刊:Molecules. 2012 Jan 31;17(2):1219-32.
      产品:CW0049 chemiluminescent dectection kit

      [IF:2.329] Duan W, Wei L, Zhang J, et al. Alteration of viscoelastic properties is associated with a change in cytoskeleton components of ageing chondrocytes from rabbit knee articular cartilage.
      发表期刊:Mol Cell Biomech. 2011 Dec;8(4):253-74.
      产品:CW0049 chemiluminescent dectection kit

      [IF:2.329] Lu X, Zhang N, Meng B, et al. Involvement of GPR12 in the regulation of cell proliferation and survival.
      发表期刊:Mol Cell Biochem. 2012 Mar 20.
      产品:CW0049 eECL Western blot kit

      [IF:1.683] Mitochondrial transcription factor A regulated ionizing radiation-induced mitochondrial biogenesis in human lung adenocarcinoma A549 cells.
      发表期刊:J Radiat Res, May 2013; 10.1093/jrr/rrt046.
      产品:CW0049 eECL Western Blot Kit

      Cui X, Lei T, Yang D, et al. Toxoplasma gondii immune mapped protein-1 (TgIMP1) is a novel vaccine candidate against toxoplasmosis.
      发表期刊:Vaccine. 2012 Mar 16;30(13):2282-7.
      产品:ECL chemiluminescence reagents

      李华伟, 张羽璐, 张中文 等. 连翘酯苷对鸡IFN-α和JAK-STAT信号通路相关因子的影响.

      周燕, 陈奎生, 高剑波 等. miR-124-1促进大鼠骨髓间充质干细胞神经分化的实验研究.

      李浩, 殷瑛, 董大勇 等. 稳定表达结核分枝杆菌ESAT-6蛋白的RAW264.7细胞系的建立.
      产品:GFP 标签蛋白裂解液(分子量:35 kDa)

      [IF: 4.258] Biochemical Evidence for a Nuclear Modifier Allele (A10S) in TRMU (Methylaminomethyl-2-thiouridylate-methyltransferase) Related to Mitochondrial tRNA Modification in the Phenotypic Manifestation of Deafness-associated 12S rRNA Mutation
      发表期刊:J. Biol. Chem., Feb 2017; 292: 2881 - 2892.
      产品:CW0049 eECL Western Blot Kit

      [IF: 9.202] A deafness-associated tRNAAsp mutation alters the m1G37 modification, aminoacylation and stability of tRNAAsp and mitochondrial function
      发表期刊:Nucleic Acids Res., Dec 2016; 44: 10974 - 10985.
      产品:CW0049 eECL Western Blot Kit

      [IF: 2.124] A subunit vaccine based on rH-NS induces protection against Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection by inducing the Th1 immune response and activating macrophages
      发表期刊:Acta Biochim Biophys Sin, Oct 2016; 48: 909 - 922.
      产品:CW0049 eECL Western Blot Kit

      [IF: 5.985] Biochemical evidence for a mitochondrial genetic modifier in the phenotypic manifestation of Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy-associated mitochondrial DNA mutation
      发表期刊:Hum. Mol. Genet., Aug 2016; 25: 3613 - 3625.
      产品:CW0049 eECL Western Blot Kit

      [IF: 4.427] A Hypertension-Associated tRNAAla Mutation Alters tRNA Metabolism and Mitochondrial Function
      发表期刊:Mol. Cell. Biol., Jul 2016; 36: 1920 - 1930.
      产品:CW0049 eECL Western Blot Kit

      [IF: 9.202] Small activating RNA binds to the genomic target site in a seed-region-dependent manner
      发表期刊:Nucleic Acids Res., Mar 2016; 44: 2274 - 2282.
      产品:CW0049 eECL Western Blot Kit

      [IF: 5.985] The exome sequencing identified the mutation in YARS2 encoding the mitochondrial tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase as a nuclear modifier for the phenotypic manifestation of Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy-associated mitochondrial DNA mutation
      发表期刊:Hum. Mol. Genet., Feb 2016; 25: 584 - 596.
      产品:CW0049 eECL Western Blot Kit

      [IF: 9.423] MicroRNA-276 promotes egg-hatching synchrony by up-regulating brm in locusts
      发表期刊:PNAS, Jan 2016; 113: 584 - 589.
      产品:CW0049 eECL Western Blot Kit & CW2333 RIPA Lysis Buffer


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