4952 时间:2017-07-25
[IF:5.399] Exogenous glycine betaine treatment alleviates low temperature-induced pericarp browning of ‘Nanguo’ pears by regulating antioxidant enzymes and proline metabolism
发表期刊: Food chemistry, Oct 2019.
产品:CW2569 HiFi-Script cDNA第一链合成试剂盒、CW2601 UltraSYBR Mixture(Low ROX)
Dynamics of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine during mouse spermatogenesis.
发表期刊:Nature Communication,13 Jun 2013.
产品:CW0956 UltraSYBR Mixture(With ROX)
[IF:9.737] Control of transposon activity by a histone H3K4 demethylase in
发表期刊:PNAS, Jan 2013; 110: 1953-1958.
产品:CW0957 UltraSYBR Mixture
[IF:9.575] The Arabidopsis Eukaryotic Translation Initiation Factor eIF5A-2
Regulates Root Protoxylem Development by Modulating Cytokinin Signaling.
发表期刊:PLANT CELL, Oct 2013; 25: 3841-3857.
产品:CW0957 UltraSYBR Mixture
[IF:8.286] A Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies GRK5 and RASGRP1 as Type
2 Diabetes Loci in Chinese Hans.
发表期刊:Diabetes, Jan 2013; 62: 291–298.
[IF:8.286] A Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies GRK5 and RASGRP1 as Type
2 Diabetes Loci in Chinese Hans.
发表期刊:Diabetes, Jan 2013; 62: 291–298.
产品:CW0953 GoldStar TaqMan Mixture
[IF:5.794] An ABA-responsive DRE-binding protein gene from Setaria italica,
SiARDP, the target gene of SiAREB, plays a critical role under drought stress.
发表期刊:J. Exp. Bot., Oct 2014; 65: 5415 - 5427.
产品:UltraSYBR Mixture
[IF:5.794] miR168 influences phase transition, leaf epinasty, and fruit
development via SlAGO1s in tomato.
发表期刊:J. Exp. Bot., Dec 2014; 65: 6655-6666.
产品:FastSYBR Mixture
[IF:5.794] Ethylene negatively regulates aluminium-induced malate efflux from
wheat roots and tobacco cells transformed with TaALMT1.
发表期刊:J. Exp. Bot., Jun 2014; 65: 2415-2426.
产品:UltarSYBR Mixture (With ROX)
[IF:5.794] Identification and functional analysis of mitogen-activated protein
kinase kinase kinase (MAPKKK) genes in canola (Brassica napus L.).
发表期刊:J. Exp. Bot., May 2014; 65: 2171-2188.
产品:a SYBR Green I kit
[IF:5.076] Increasing Expression of MicroRNA 181 Inhibits Porcine Reproductive
and Respiratory Syndrome Virus Replication and Has Implications for Controlling
Virus Infection.
发表期刊:J. Virol., Jan 2013; 87: 1159-1171.
产品:CW0955 FastSYBR Mixture
[IF:4.978] A Role for PacMYBA in ABA-Regulated Anthocyanin Biosynthesis in Red-
Colored Sweet Cherry cv. Hong Deng (Prunus avium L.).
发表期刊:Plant Cell Physiol., May 2014; 55: 862-880.
产品:UltraSYBR Mixture
[IF:4.978] Isolation and Characterization of Dehydration-Responsive Element-
Binding Factor 2C (MsDREB2C) from Malus sieversii Roem.
发表期刊:Plant Cell Physiol., Sep 2013; 54:
产品:UltraSYBR Mixture
[IF:4.092] Comparative miRNA expression profiles in individuals with latent and
active tuberculosis.
发表期刊:PLoS One.2011;6(10):e25832.
产品:CW0743 HiFi-MMLV reverse transcriptase
[IF:4.009] Cyclin O Regulates Germinal Vesicle Breakdown in Mouse Oocytes.
发表期刊:Biol Reprod, May 2013; 88: 110.
产品:CW0957 UltraSYBR Mixture
[IF:2.594] Cloning and characterisation of NADPH-dependent cytochrome P450
reductase gene in the cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera.
发表期刊:Pest Manag Sci,19 March 2013.
产品:CW0956 UltraSYBR Mixture(With ROX)
[IF:2.386]Inhibitory Effect of Astragalus Polysaccharides on Lipopolysaccharide
-Induced TNF-a and IL-1β Production in THP-1 Cells.
发表期刊:Molecules. 2012 Mar 12;17(3):3155-64.
产品:CW0744 HiFi-MMLVcDNA kit
[IF:2.386] Down-regulation of Treg cells and up-regulation of TH1/TH2 cytokine
ratio were induced by polysaccharide from Radix Glycyrrhizae in H22
hepatocarcinoma bearing mice.
发表期刊:Molecules.2011 Sep 30;16(10):8343-52.
产品:CW0744 HiFi-MMLV cDNA kit
[IF:2.251] Knockdown of several components of cytochrome P450 enzyme systems by
RNA interference enhances susceptibility of Helicoverpa armigera to
发表期刊:Pest Management Science.2012.
产品:CW0956 Ultra SYBR Mixture (with Rox)
[IF:2.444] Association of Wnt2 and sFRP4 Expression in the Third Trimester
Placenta in Women With Severe Preeclampsia.
发表期刊:Reproductive Sciences, Jan 2013;
产品:CW0956 UltraSYBR Mixture(With ROX)
[IF:2.096] The Effect of Dietary Nutrient Density on Growth Performance,
Physiological Parameters, and Small Intestinal Type IIb Sodium Phosphate Co-
transporter Expression in Broilers.
产品:CW0767 the RealSuper Mixture (with Rox)
[IF:1.95] Experimental studies on infant Tupaia belangeri chineses with EV71
发表期刊:Zoological Research,2012,33(1): 7-13.
产品:CW0960 2×GoldStar TaqMasterMix
IF:1.578] Effects of amendments of ferulic acid on soil microbial communities
in the rhizosphere of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.).
发表期刊:European Journal of Soil
产品:CW0942 Real SYBR Mixture
[IF:0.579] The Influence of Dietary Calcium and Phosphorus Imbalance on
Intestinal NaPi-IIb and Calbindin mRNA Expression and Tibia Parameters of
产品:CW0767 the RealSuperMixture with Rox.
[IF:2.179] Association of Wnt2 and sFRP4 Expression in the Third Trimester
Placenta in Women With Severe Preeclampsia.
发表期刊:Reproductive Sciences, Aug 2013; 20:
产品:Ultra SYBR Mixture With ROX
[IF:1.92] Feeding glycerol-enriched yeast culture improves performance, energy
status, and heat shock protein gene expression of lactating Holstein cows under
heat stress.
发表期刊:J Anim Sci, Jun 2014; 92: 2494-2502.
产品:UltraSYBR Mixture
[IF:0.921] Molecular Cloning and Characterization of a Novel P450 Gene Encoding
CYP6BK18 From Dastarcus helophoroides (Coleoptera: Bothrideridae).
发表期刊:J Insect Sci., Nov 2014; 14: 243.
产品:SYBR Green Mix
[IF: 5.267] Comprehensive analysis of microRNA-Seq and target mRNAs of rice
sheath blight pathogen provides new insights into pathogenic regulatory
发表期刊:DNA Res, Oct 2016; 23: 415 - 425.
产品:CW2142 miRNA qPCR Assay Kit
[IF: 2.124] Transcriptomics-based identification of WRKY genes and
characterization of a salt and hormone-responsive PgWRKY1 gene in Panax ginseng
发表期刊:Acta Biochim Biophys Sin, Feb 2016; 48:
117 - 131.
产品:CW2602 UltraSYBR Mixture (High ROX)
[IF: 4.258] The Steroid Hormone 20-Hydroxyecdysone Enhances Gene Transcription
through the cAMP Response Element-binding Protein (CREB) Signaling Pathway
发表期刊:J. Biol. Chem., Jun 2016; 291: 12771 -
产品:CW0956 2xUltraSYBR Mixture(With ROX)
[IF: 5.912] Cytological and Proteomic Analyses of Osmunda cinnamomea
Germinating Spores Reveal Characteristics of Fern Spore Germination and Rhizoid
Tip Growth
发表期刊:Mol. Cell. Proteomics, Sep 2015; 14: 2510
- 2534.
产品:CW2601 UltraSYBR Mixture (Low ROX)
[IF: 5.677] Involvement of reactive oxygen species in lanthanum-induced
inhibition of primary root growth
发表期刊:J. Exp. Bot., Nov 2016; 67: 6149 - 6159.
产品:CW0957 2xUltraSYBR Mixture
[IF: 1.685] Effect of different amylases on the utilization of cornstarch in
broiler chickens
发表期刊:Poultry Science, Sep 2016;
产品:CW0767 RealSuper Mixture (with ROX)
[IF: 5.267] Identification, cloning and characterization of R2R3-MYB gene
family in canola (Brassica napus L.) identify a novel member modulating ROS
accumulation and hypersensitive-like cell death
发表期刊:DNA Res, Apr 2016; 23: 101 - 114.
产品:CW0957 2xUltraSYBR Mixture
[IF: 4.706] Germline deletion of huntingtin causes male infertility and
arrested spermiogenesis in mice
发表期刊:J. Cell Sci., Feb 2016; 129: 492 - 501.
产品:CW0957 2xUltraSYBR Mixture
[IF: 1.609] Toxicity of Six Insecticides on Codling Moth (Lepidoptera:
Tortricidae) and Effect on Expression of Detoxification Genes
发表期刊:J Econ Entomol, Feb 2016; 109: 320 - 326.
产品:CW0957 2xUltraSYBR Mixture
[IF: 6.280] Protein S-Acyltransferase 14: A Specific Role for Palmitoylation in
Leaf Senescence in Arabidopsis
发表期刊:Plant Physiology, Jan 2016; 170: 415 -
产品:CW0956 2xUltraSYBR Mixture(With ROX)
[IF: 6.280] Rice TUTOU1 Encodes a Suppressor of cAMP Receptor-Like Protein That
Is Important for Actin Organization and Panicle Development
发表期刊:Plant Physiology, Oct 2015; 169: 1179 -
产品:CW0957 2xUltraSYBR Mixture
[IF: 3.324] Sphingosine 1-phosphate signaling contributes to cardiac
inflammation, dysfunction, and remodeling following myocardial infarction
发表期刊:Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, Jan 2016;
310: H250 - H261.
产品:CW0957 2xUltraSYBR Mixture
[IF: 2.124] Transcriptomics-based identification of WRKY genes and
characterization of a salt and hormone-responsive PgWRKY1 gene in Panax ginseng
发表期刊:Acta Biochim Biophys Sin, Feb 2016; 48:
117 - 131.
产品:CW0716 2×Taq MasterMix
[IF: 4.415] Association between embB Codon 306 Mutations, Phenotypic Resistance
Profiles, and Genotypic Characterization in Clinical Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Isolates from Hebei, China
发表期刊:Antimicrob. Agents Chemother., Dec 2016;
60: 7295 - 7302.
产品:CW0716 2×Taq MasterMix
[IF: 1.685] Association of novel polymorphisms of forkhead box L2 and growth
differentiation factor-9 genes with egg production traits in local Chinese Dagu
发表期刊:Poultry Science, Jan 2015; 94: 88 - 95.
产品:CW0682 2X Taq Master Mix
[IF: 3.823] Whole-Genome Sequence Analysis and Genome-Wide Virulence Gene
Identification of Riemerella anatipestifer Strain Yb2
发表期刊:Appl. Envir. Microbiol., Aug 2015; 81:
5093 - 5102.
产品:CW0682 2X Taq Master Mix
[IF: 3.931] Neuritogenic Activity of Tetradecyl 2,3-Dihydroxybenzoate Is Mediated
through the Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 Receptor/Phosphatidylinositol 3
Kinase/Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Signaling Pathway
发表期刊:Mol. Pharmacol., Aug 2015; 88: 326 - 334.
产品:CW0740 SuperRT Reverse Transcriptase
[IF: 5.267] Comprehensive analysis of microRNA-Seq and target mRNAs of rice
sheath blight pathogen provides new insights into pathogenic regulatory
发表期刊:DNA Res, Oct 2016; 23: 415 - 425.
产品:CW2141 miRNA cDNA Synthesis Kit
[IF: 5.465] The H19 long noncoding RNA is a novel negative regulator of
cardiomyocyte hypertrophy
发表期刊:Cardiovasc Res, Jul 2016; 111: 56 - 65.
产品:CW0742 SuperRT One Step RT-PCR Kit
[IF: 5.465] miR-199-sponge transgenic mice develop physiological cardiac
发表期刊:Cardiovasc Res, May 2016; 110: 258 - 267.
产品:CW0742 SuperRT One Step RT-PCR Kit
[IF: 6.304 ] IL-4
inhibits regulatory T cells differentiation by HDAC9-mediated epigenetic
发表期刊: Cell Death Dis,
2021 May; 12(6):501.
产品: CW0957M UltraSYBR Mixture
[IF:10.151] Characterization of defensive cadinenes and a novel sesquiterpene synthase responsible for their biosynthesis from the invasive Eupatorium adenophorum
发表期刊: New Phytol, 2021 Feb; 229(3): 1740-1754.
产品: CW0957M Ultra SYBR Mixture
[IF: 7.561] α-Defensins
Promote Bacteroides Colonization on Mucosal Reservoir to Prevent
Antibiotic-Induced Dysbiosis
发表期刊: Front Immunol, 2020 Sep; 11: 2065.
产品: CW2092S Stool Genomic DNA Kit; CW0955M FastSYBR Mixture
[IF: 12.822] Discovery of a novel nucleoside immune signaling molecule 2’-deoxyguanosine in microbes and plants
发表期刊: J Adv Res, 2022 Jul; S2090-1232(22)00153-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jare.2022.06.014.
产品: CW0580M TRIzon Reagent; CW0957M UltraSYBR Mixture
[IF: 6.304 ] IL-4
inhibits regulatory T cells differentiation by HDAC9-mediated epigenetic
发表期刊: Cell Death Dis,
2021 May; 12(6):501.
产品: CW0957M UltraSYBR
[IF: 11.6 ] SOX4 promotes beige adipocyte-mediated adaptive thermo genesis by facilitating PRDM16-PPARγ complex.
发表期刊:Theranostics 2022; 12(18): 7699-7716. doi: 10.7150/thno.77102
产品:CW0957 UltraSYBR Mixture
[IF:17.1]Biomimetic Mineralized CRISPR/Cas RNA Nanoparticles forEfficient Tumor-Specific Multiplex Gene Editing.
发表期刊:ACS Nano. 2023 Jul 23. doi: 10.1021/acsnano.3c04116. Online ahead of print.
产品:CW0682 2xTaq MasterMix(Dye)